
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Breathe-Increase Your Prana


Take a deep breath right now. Are your shoulders raising?

If your shoulders are raising when breathing instead of your belly, you are probably shallow breathing or thoracic breathing.  Being a shallow breather can lead to a long list of health issues.  Stress leads to shallow breath, shallow breath leads to a constant state of stress.  Not good!  It deprives your muscles and joints of oxygen, which leads to tightness, chronic pain and stiffness.  It can also lead to sleep apnea, insomnia and restlessness.  In other words, a crappy sleeper.

We must reteach our bodies to breathe.  Belly breathing or diaphragmatically is the most beneficial way to go.  Watch how a baby breathes, its belly rises and falls.  Try drawing air in through your nose into your lungs and expand your belly, like a baby.  You will be getting more well needed oxygen that your body can use.

Meditation requires intentional breath work.  The more you focus on how your mind and body feel when breathing, the more it will become naturally.  You will feel better and know how to calm yourself in stressful situations.

In yoga, the Sanskrit word for breath or life force is "Prana"

In living beings, Prana is considered to be responsible for the body's life, heat, health and maintenance.  Prana is the force behind life itself.  Increase your Prana through the Five Elements.

Start practicing to belly breath and feel the difference.

Go deep!

Have a great week.

Be kind.

Please get your vaccination and wear a mask.
