
Sunday, July 5, 2020


Gratitude is a practice, which turns into an action,
 which is the foundation of a happy life.

On February 6, 2011, we posted our first post: Skinny Bitch.  A couple of years before, we began our journey on living a healthier life by stopping to consume any animal products. We had read a book by Jonathan Safran Foer titled: Eating Animals.  It totally changed our mindset on animal agriculture and its untold cruelty that it imposed on animals and the environment.  It set us on this journey to living a cleaner and more compassionate life.  We immediately stopped consuming meat of any kind knowing the what went on behind "closed doors" of the agriculture industry.  Our friends began asking us "What do you eat?" and of course "Where do you get your protein?".  
So, we started our blog to share recipes and information on consuming a plant-based diet.
Over the past 9 years, for wanting to share information, I have opened my mind to so much knowledge.  By researching a wide variety of information, I have gained so much insight on how what we put in our mouths to feed ourselves creates life or sickness.  We truly are "You are what you eat"
I want to say, Thank you! I have learned a wealth of knowledge by sharing this information.  The time I have spent researching the topics we post has enriched my life.  I look forward to every week anticipating what I can share with you.  The other week I noticed that we had reached over 60,000 views of this blog. WOW!  My hope is it will continue to enrich your life as it has ours.

Our world is at a tipping point.  Both socially and environmentally, we have to make a change.  We have to be the change.  Environmentally, the most profound act that we can do individually, is to change to a plant-based diet.  Animal agriculture is not a sustainable industry   Socially, "BE KIND",  For you Christians, 13 times Jesus commanded "To love one another as I have loved you"
The prophet Muhammad said "You will never enter paradise until you have faith and you will not complete your faith until you have loved one another".
In this time of social unrest and July 4th celebration of Independence, you should read or re-read the Declaration of Independence"We  hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

THANK YOU, for letting us be a part of your journey towards a healthy life.


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