
Saturday, April 27, 2019

In Memory

It saddens my heart to say but we had to say goodbye to our sweet cat Lizzie this week.  She came into our lives as a  scrappy little alley/barn kitten, infested with fleas and ear mites, but full of sass.  She blessed us with 18 years of love and companionship and did things her way.  From being on the streets to living like royalty, she lived a long wonderful life.  We have been blessed to be a part of it.  She will be truly missed. She has graced every "Recommended Reading" blog post and will continue to be the happy little face every month.

Here are  several photos in memory:

Just a little "boober"

Hanging with friends

Camping out in the living room

Usual day

Watching over her subjects

You still there?

Her last Christmas
Good Night

Be kind to your pets, YOU are everything to them.


Saturday, April 20, 2019

Earth Day 2019

Earth Day should be a National Holiday

Our planet and the life we know environmentally is under attack.  There is no denying that climate change is a REAL thing.  We as the human species are in the midst of the 6th mass extinction and we are the cause.  It is said we have 12 Years to Make the Change, and even though the United States opted out of the Paris Climate Agreement, many states and companies are still targeting to do what they can in the fight to curb climate change.  New ideas to address the issue are happening every day and in more States, like Minnesota and even NYC.

We must all do our part: 
*Drive less, consolidate your errands.  Take public transportation if available.
Ditch the single use plastic bags! USE RECYCLED GROCERY BAGS, not only do they hold more items they come in so many different designs.  And very reasonable in price, starting at 99 cents.
Turn the A/C off when possible and let clean fresh air cleanse your house of stale, stagnant oxygen.
Just get out in nature and enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth.

Let's celebrate Earth Day all the time.

Have a great week.
Be kind. 