
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Recommended Reading 12/19/21

This photo was taken at The Garden of Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

It has been quite a while since the last post (July), so I apologize.  

Let's finish off the year with a recommended reading list.


If you don't know yet, Cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn tells us "Everything You Need to Know To Start A Plant-based Diet"

From "The No Meat Athlete": 7 Foods Worth Eating Eating Single Day How many do you consume? He along with Robert Cheeke have an incredible new book out called "The Plant-Based Athlete"

Did you know that our bodies produce molecules called cannabinoids, the body's own version of THC and CBD

What the hell is "Sulforaphane" and "Why it is so good for you"  then check out

 "Broccoli- The DNA Whisperer"


The environment and our health go hand in hand.  Climate change is REAL and our food and lifestyle choices should be the first option in doing our part in helping curb this CRISIS.

How much food is wasted in the world? 1.4 BILLION TONS per YEAR! 80 Billion pounds in the United States alone, which equals 30-40% of food produced. 

The U.S. could feed 800 million people with the grain that livestock is fed.

India is turning "Waste to Watts" using biogas digesters to turn organic waste into electricity.

Did you know the world's largest living single organism is in Pando Forest, Utah?  Alarmingly, deer and elk are devouring it. 

Here in Florida, they are thinking a 20 foot seawall will save Miami from rising sea water.

The year was 1856. Scientists understood physics of climate change.  What The Fuck!

For a free e-book on Climate Change and Global Warming


When we thought we had heard everything about 9/11, comes the "Great Maritime Rescue of Lower Manhattan"

How Camels- "the ships of the desert" were part of a dark history of  American West.

I will land the plane with "A Letter From 2030"

For an free awesome outlet of environmental, etc. short and full length documentaries check out:


Have a wonderful Holiday Season.

Be safe.
