
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Vitamin B Complex


What is vitamin B complex?
Vitamin B complex is composed of 8 B vitamins.
B5-(pantothenic acid)
B9-(folic acid)

Each of these essential vitamins contributes to your overall body function, maintaining good health.  As building blocks for a healthy body they have a direct impact on our energy levels, brain function and cell metabolism.  Vitamin B complex helps prevent infections and supports or promotes:

cell health
growth of red blood cells
energy levels
good eyesight
healthy brain function
good digestion
healthy appetite
proper nerve function
hormone and cholesterol production
cardiovascular health
muscle tone

A major concern for plant-based eaters is getting enough vitamin B 12.
B 12 is naturally found in animal products such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy.  Vitamin B 12 is actually a bacteria, produced by microorganisms in the soil.  Animals obtain this from consuming grasses and scratching and rooting through dirt.  It's possible to obtain some B 12 from not washing all the dirt off your fresh picked veggies but who wants to eat dirt.  According to the National Health  and Nutrition Examination Survey one in every 31 adults in the US are deficient in vitamin B 12.  

Common signs of B 12 deficiency are:
*Weakness, fatigue or low energy.
*Shortness of breath.
*Loss of appetite.
*Digestive issues.
*Frequent bruising or bleeding.
*Numbness or tingling in hands or feet.
*Brain fog, memory loss, or confusion.

By eating enriched foods products such as fortified nutritional yeast, soy, cereals and meat substitutes and Nori seaweed, we can increase our uptake some.  The best way to get enough is to take a supplement.  B 12 has many forms and the most common are cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin.  "Cyano" is commonly found in supplements and energy drinks, while "methyl" is a little more expensive and less stable. For both meat and plant-based eaters, 2000 mcg is the recommended weekly dose for those under 60 years of age.  When you reach that age of 60+ it needs to be bumped up to 1000mcg daily!  I supplement by taking a 1000 mcg quick dissolve chewable Cyano tablet from Trader Joe's every 3 day and an added brazil nut once a week.

They are easily found for a great price on Amazon.

If ignored a Vitamin B deficiency can effect the whole body leading to permanent brain and nerve damage.  By eating a mostly alkaline, hydrating diet full of fresh veggies, grains and fruit are intestines will stay clean and function properly.  

B Healthy

Have a great week. 
Be kind.

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